Each year, to celebrate Ag Day, Capital Farm Credit holds a contest for high school aged 4-H and FFA in Texas. Students create a 30 second video to tell us “What Agriculture Means to Me” and uploads the video link to enter. Winners are determined by online voting. The video that receives the most online votes wins that high school student a scholarship, and their 4-H or FFA Chapter will also receive a donation.
- First Place Student: $2,500 & their chapter receives $1,500
- Second Place Student: $1,500 & their chapter receives $1,000
- Third Place Student: $1,000 & their chapter receives $500
- Corporate Selection: $1,000 & their chapter receives $500 (This is a new category this year. There will be a panel of judges to identify a video based on effectiveness of message and quality of video.)
Students can begin creating their video at any time, but they will not be able to upload or start receiving votes until February 1, 2018. The contest ends on Ag Day, March 20, 2018. Stay tuned for a link to upload videos.