District IV 4-H has formally opened registration for the Shooting Sports Coaches Training being held at Rocky Creek Outdoors in Texarkana on Sat. Feb. 16th to Sun. Feb. 17th. Participants are required to attend training on both days. It is our intent to offer certifications in rifle, shotgun, pistol, and archery.
The cost of the training will be $120, which includes the instructor manual, Saturday lunch, and Saturday dinner. Participants can stay at the Country Inn & Suites or Holiday Inn & Suites on Friday and Saturday evening and receive a complimentary breakfast. The training agenda will be posted on the District IV 4-H Webpage (https://d44-h.tamu.edu/event-page-links) by Monday, Feb. 11th.
Leaders and Agents can register on Texas 4-H Connect (https://texas.4honline.com)
Select: D4 4-H Shooting Sports Coach Certification Training – Texarkana
Registration will CLOSE on Monday, Feb. 11th.